PSBC, Switzerland Global Enterprise sign cooperation agreement on trade promotion
March 22, 2022, Makati City –The Philippine-Swiss Business Council (PSBC) and Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE) signed a cooperation agreement in the field of trade promotion between the Philippines and Swiss and Liechtenstein companies.
The cooperation agreement was signed in Switzerland by S-GE Chief Executive Officer Ms. Simone Wyss Fedele, S-GE Head of Global Network Mr. Thomas Foerst. Ms. Christine Fajardo, PSBC Chairperson and Corporate Affairs Head of Novartis Philippines, signed the agreement during a PSBC in-person event hosted by the Swiss Embassy and attended by PSBC members. Swiss Ambassador to the Philippines H.E. Alain Gaschen graced the event and signed the agreement as a witness representing the Swiss federal government’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).
Under the cooperation agreement, PSBC will provide Swiss and Liechtenstein companies with free basic services, including basic information and free initial consultation, in close coordination with the Embassy of Switzerland in the Philippines. In addition, PSBC may execute individual projects and mandates for Swiss and Liechtenstein companies commissioned by S-GE. “PSBC shares S-GE’s mission of enabling new business and fostering trade promotion. Our partnership with S-GE will enable PSBC to support Swiss companies and help innovative Philippine companies to take root in Switzerland thereby creating added value and prosperity. We thank the Swiss Embassy for helping make our cooperation agreement with SG-E possible,” said Ms. Fajardo.
“We see renewed interest for the Philippines as a potential investment destination for our Swiss companies, and this partnership agreement between PSBC and SGE came in just perfectly. This means more business promotion activities and in-depth market researches, which open up more opportunities and collaborations between Filipinos and Swiss entrepreneurs in the years ahead” said Ambassador Gaschen.

About Philippine-Swiss Business Council (PSBC)
PSBC was established in 2003 as a result of a cooperation agreement between the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) and the Swiss Southeast Asian Chamber of Commerce or SACC, which is based in Zurich, Switzerland. It serves as a channel for initiating and facilitating business-related and networking activities to further the growth of trade and investment between the Philippines and Switzerland. The council currently has 65 members of Swiss equity companies operating in the Philippines as well as Philippine companies that have business relations or are keen to pursue business with Switzerland.
About Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE)
Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE) is the official Swiss organization for export and investment promotion with offices throughout Switzerland and in 31 countries. It supports Swiss SMEs in their international business and help innovative foreign companies to establish in Switzerland. As a non-profit organization, it provides a public service for clients on behalf of the Swiss Confederation (State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO) and the cantons.
About State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
SECO is the Swiss federal government’s center of excellence for all core issues relating to economic and labor market policy. It aims to contribute to sustained economic growth, high employment and fair working conditions, by creating the necessary regulatory, economic and foreign policy framework.